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Many of us grew up with the message not to talk about Sex, Religion, or Politics in public. At the moment, I am staying away from all three. I have strong opinions on each yet not my topic… 

Spirituality, however, is a whole other subject. Spiritual beliefs, our understanding of how the world works and how we fit in it, are something else altogether.  Part of being a leader is recognizing how powerful you are and being aware of how you use, or don’t use, that power. As a coach, therapist, and integrative health practitioner, I have seen the power of beliefs in catapulting as well as impeding progress and success.

Trusting your intuition, your gut knowing, is a skill that is becoming recognized more and more as a necessary and powerful skill to develop. To push this level of understanding, self-awareness, and leadership development even further, I would like to take your skills even deeper through the awareness of what you are putting out into the world energetically in terms of expectations, trust, and awareness.  

Our expectations and desires, (not simply wants and hopes), have power. Spending time each day, in quiet, focusing on what you would want next in your life supports you in setting an intent that is clear, simple, and achieved. This is certainly not “new age” thinking but fact. What we focus on, with intent, we create.  I know you have heard some version of “If you believe you can, you will; if you believe you can’t, you won’t.”

After years of Covid and its aftereffects, I have been putting out into the universe, God, whatever, for two months that I want out of this office with more opportunities to meet people in person and time for travel. To that end, as soon as it was announced I signed up for 3-days in FL at a conference of a networking group I belong to. And I then signed up, after much thought, for another, a 4-night, 5-day conference in Costa Rica, thinking it has been years since this much travel happened yet so grateful my vision was working.

Almost immediately after, a new client in Phoenix started and I flew to Phoenix for a beginning VIP Day. Then another new client, and a trip to New Jersey.  This client has asked that I attend a conference she is doing in southern France.  For a moment it was all overwhelming until I simply stopped and took a deep breath. The realization that this is exactly what I had been putting out there made me smile and remember.

A simple vision, while sitting in the experience of it, as if it was already here, energetically brings in exactly what you are putting out into the world. What do you put out into the world? Sitting in the experience allows you to prepare yourself for it, it is an actual energetic shift. Energy repels or attracts so being conscious of what you put out is important. Losing that focus can be dangerous or a simple step towards being in rage, boredom, hopelessness, or overwhelm as a way of being. As if you are powerless in defining your fate.

Recognize your dreams and wants, clarify them, then put it out there while being willing to risk becoming the person who can achieve them…. Leadership, power, and manifesting are skills we all possess. Learning how to own those skills is a part of the package of growth.

If you need help moving to the next vision, stage of life, or legacy creation, call. Helping you achieve it, is my gift!!!


Dr. Dorothy’s life story of coming from an orphanage, being raised in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a wife, mother, graduate faculty member, Clinical Instructor at a Medical School, and so much more provides the perfect backdrop for her message of joy, humor, passion and faith as the necessary tools for life.