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Some of us, as leaders, go through a series of purpose-expressions, a series of careers, as we grow, learn and become more and more of who we are meant  to be.  Others find one avenue immediately after high school or college and stay with that one expression of their vision throughout much of their life. Whichever path you follow is yours, not right or wrong, just yours..

The one core truth we learn, however, is that whatever path we choose, there will be a continuous series of opportunities for growth or stagnation. For living our truth or being in self-betrayal. Choosing leadership, consciously or otherwise, requires that we be ready to grow in order to deal with all the challenges, opportunities, and expansions that happen as our vision takes on a life of its own. That choosing can support compassion, understanding, and a greater leadership skill as those around us go through their process as well.

As leaders, we are challenged at times to decide if we are ready or even want to grow to that next level, to lead at that level, to become even more of who we are.

If you are human, you will at times want to stop, to breath, to reconsider your choices. That is never a failing, or a weakness, rather it is an amazing gift you give yourself. When you have grown significantly, or when it is time to grow significantly,  stopping to catch up with yourself, to integrate all that is happening, is a smart and solid way of strengthening your foundation, your connection to your Spirit,  to your purpose, and to you.

Use these articles as a means to do that.

Small Businesses Can Still Thrive During the COVID-19 Crisis

By Articles, Blog

Even if your brick-and-mortar business is closed due to the coronavirus lockdown, there are several important things you can do to ensure that your small business thrives and comes back even stronger by the time the pandemic ends. To assist you during this challenging time, we’ve assembled the following list of marketing strategies, collaboration tips for remote teams, and more….

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Visionary Leadership and Healthcare

By Articles, Blog

Visionary leaders have been assessing and reassessing the medical system within the United States for years. Periodically, piece-meal solutions get implemented with great intent and hope for a smoother operation or more equitable distribution of health services. However, this national healthcare crisis has thrown the slow, piece-meal concept into an obsolete if not destructive state. As we watch the results…

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The Post Pandemic Business Model

By Articles

Business, as usual, has ended. With many businesses closing immediately, others struggling to survive while waiting out the isolation, there are nonetheless those companies, large and small, that have seen that life and business as we knew them have changed forever. The informative and 30,000-foot perspective is to watch and see which companies are shifting and how. Who is adapting…

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How to Be A Successful Woman Leader

By Featured Articles & Podcasts

What You Will Learn In This Episode In this episode, Dr. Dorothy Martin-Neville, reveals the mindset and skills women need to know to successfully lead. She will uncover the one thing that holds women back from leading. Dorothy shares how women can step up to their potential by embracing the edge of their comfort zone. She shares her powerful story of…

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A New Understanding of Mental Health

By Mental Health

“Mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and substance-use disorders, impose an enormous global disease burden that leads to premature mortality and affects functioning and quality of life.”-quote from The World Bank, Understanding Poverty Reports on mental health throughout the globe focus primarily on statistics. They confirm that mental health is a global issue requiring a global response. The World Health Organization has said that 300 million people, 4%…

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A “Normal” Family Gathering

By Articles

Here in the states, Thanksgiving has come and gone as has most of the family who flew or drove in. Giving thanks is the stated focus of the day and it brings the spiritual element into our blessings. The joy, however, comes from the ability to experience the “normalcy,” for most of us, of the “unnormal” family.       …

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Letting Go of a Major Project – Asking WHY???

By Articles

Have you ever had a project you devoted so much of who you are to that it almost consumed you? Have you had that project then become short-lived after you completed it? I learned a week ago that a project I devoted months and months to, that I committed to, and worked for, would only last 4 years and then…

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Questions to Ponder

By Articles

I spoke to a friend yesterday who has all of her Christmas shopping done.  It certainly makes the point clear, the holiday seasons are about to begin and at least in this area she is well prepared. What it also made me think of though was what do the holidays really mean? She was certainly taking charge of her life,…

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We Have A Voice That Needs To Be Heard

By Articles

For those of you who are here in the states, we have been inundated for the last several months about the need to get out to vote.  Unfortunately, It is rare when we actually simply hear what someone honestly believes in. What they would die for. We hear more about how bad the opposition is. It supports the concept of…

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