This is that time of year for graduations, weddings, and more. With so much shifting and changing due to Covid none of these events are quite the same as we remember them, but they are still such a delight and cause for celebration, nonetheless.
This week was a graduation from middle school and two high school graduations. It is such a joy to see life continuing with all the excitement and with the mothers needing to adjust to the fact that their babies have grown, at least somewhat…. It’s now empty nest for some with kids off to school or moving into the workforce.
Life is, blessedly, filled with so many stages of growth and change.
After going through so many myself, it is a delight to see the continuity that ensures life does go on, little ones grow up, go off to school or to work and eventually most get married and the cycle starts again.
That lovely rhythm, that consistency of life, is so reassuring that all of the bad news, all of the political divide, corporate greed, and fueled hatred, can be put in their place and we can simply love the journey of change, joy, and growing up that really encompasses the important things of life.
In writing an agenda today for my business clients, I wrote of the need to truly recognize your core values; they define your brand. Not the ones you think you have but the ones you actually live by. Until those are absolutely identified, and the illusions of values you learned to recite but don’t even believe in are let go, you have a hard time living in authenticity, and consistency. Knowing them also makes your life so much simpler. They become a far more conscious context for choosing employees, virtual assistants, friends, and even partners.
Those simple values, for me it’s the continuity, positivity, and simplicity of life that count. I find I am far more productive, and creatively inspired when I am at peace in the world of my values. Life flows rather than my feeling I need to push it alone or that it all sits on my shoulders waiting for me to “get it.”
Do you know your top 5 values in life? Do you live them? Do you bring them into your business? Your family? Your friendships? Joy, peace, happiness, and fun all show up easily when you are living what you believe in. And you will be shocked at how easily you can change your world simply with a smile and a greeting….